March of the Young Chickenhawks:

Young Republicans support Iraq war, but not all are willing to join the fight
By Adam Smeltz
Knight Ridder Newspapers
NEW YORK - Young Republicans gathered here for their party's national convention are united in applauding the war in Iraq, supporting the U.S. troops there and calling the U.S. mission a noble cause.
But there's no such unanimity when they're asked a more personal question: Would you be willing to put on the uniform and go to fight in Iraq?
In more than a dozen interviews, Republicans in their teens and 20s offered a range of answers. Some have friends in the military in Iraq and are considering enlisting; others said they can better support the war by working politically in the United States; and still others said they think the military doesn't need them because the U.S. presence in Iraq is sufficient.
"Frankly, I want to be a politician. I'd like to survive to see that," said Vivian Lee, 17, a war supporter visiting the convention from Los Angeles,
Lee said she supports the war but would volunteer only if the United States faced a dire troop shortage or "if there's another Sept. 11."
"As long as there's a steady stream of volunteers, I don't see why I necessarily should volunteer," said Lee, who has a cousin deployed in the Middle East.
Vivian Lee -- remember that name, I hope when and if she tries to launch her political career these quotes come back to bite her lazy chickenhawk ass. My favorite line "she supports the war but would volunteer only if the United States faced a dire troop shortage." I guess she has been getting her news from FAUX News, otherwise she would have heard of the military's shortage of recruits. Maybe somebody should inform her I'm sure she would jump at the chance to sign up and defend her country, just like those FIVE unfortunate young women who died in Iraq yesterday.
For more on these hypocritical chickenhawk morons see the New Blog

Young Republicans support Iraq war, but not all are willing to join the fight
By Adam Smeltz
Knight Ridder Newspapers
NEW YORK - Young Republicans gathered here for their party's national convention are united in applauding the war in Iraq, supporting the U.S. troops there and calling the U.S. mission a noble cause.
But there's no such unanimity when they're asked a more personal question: Would you be willing to put on the uniform and go to fight in Iraq?
In more than a dozen interviews, Republicans in their teens and 20s offered a range of answers. Some have friends in the military in Iraq and are considering enlisting; others said they can better support the war by working politically in the United States; and still others said they think the military doesn't need them because the U.S. presence in Iraq is sufficient.
"Frankly, I want to be a politician. I'd like to survive to see that," said Vivian Lee, 17, a war supporter visiting the convention from Los Angeles,
Lee said she supports the war but would volunteer only if the United States faced a dire troop shortage or "if there's another Sept. 11."
"As long as there's a steady stream of volunteers, I don't see why I necessarily should volunteer," said Lee, who has a cousin deployed in the Middle East.
Vivian Lee -- remember that name, I hope when and if she tries to launch her political career these quotes come back to bite her lazy chickenhawk ass. My favorite line "she supports the war but would volunteer only if the United States faced a dire troop shortage." I guess she has been getting her news from FAUX News, otherwise she would have heard of the military's shortage of recruits. Maybe somebody should inform her I'm sure she would jump at the chance to sign up and defend her country, just like those FIVE unfortunate young women who died in Iraq yesterday.
For more on these hypocritical chickenhawk morons see the New Blog