Mike Malloy - Howard Beale!

Last night's Mike Malloy radio show on Air America Radio was the most amazing, angry, gut-wrenching, eye-opening, truth-telling, piece of radio/public discourse I have ever heard. Mike, night in and night out reminds me of the film character Howard Beale in Network. He is "mad as hell and he isn't going to take it anymore!" We need hundreds of Mikes in the media and politics. Who will be the first high profile politician to be like Mike and Howard? The mayor of New Orleans did a good job last night, keep it coming.
Mike speaks the hard truths and realities of our troubled times and quickly crumbling nation - it isn't pretty but it is right on target. Mike calls a spade a spade, he calls the Bush bunch what they are "The Bush Crime Family," or the BFEE - the Bush Family Evil Empire. Last night he was right on when he called out all of the whores in the media who have been on their knees for five years as mouthpieces to the BFEE. Rather than report on real and important stories we have missing White women 24-7. If anything good can come out of this disaster it is that hopefully we will get back some semblance of an objetive media in this country [minus the whores at FOX]. Mike called them hypocrites because NOW they are finally waking from their slumbers and FINALLY reporting some troubling facts and being critical of the BFEE. Karl Rove and his ilk have lost control of the strings and if there is any justice they will never get control again. Last nights Mike Malloy show should be required listening for all Americans, especially the brain-dead, phony patriot Sheepole, driving around with the flags waving and the magnetic ribbons. It's time for Americans to take real action, and make real sacrifices. The Bubble Boy pResident won't ask for the rich, or his cronies, or the big Oil Companies to make sacrifices, the word "sacrifice" isn't in his vocabulary. Name me one sacrifice this pathetic sorry excuse of a man has ever had to make in his life. Compassionate Conservatism my ass, it's more like Conservative Compassion. I for one am MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE - who’s with me?
Go here to the White Rose Society, scroll down the page to the link for the September 1st show and listen, it is your true patriotic duty. While you're at it go to your local video store and get a copy of Network.

Last night's Mike Malloy radio show on Air America Radio was the most amazing, angry, gut-wrenching, eye-opening, truth-telling, piece of radio/public discourse I have ever heard. Mike, night in and night out reminds me of the film character Howard Beale in Network. He is "mad as hell and he isn't going to take it anymore!" We need hundreds of Mikes in the media and politics. Who will be the first high profile politician to be like Mike and Howard? The mayor of New Orleans did a good job last night, keep it coming.
Mike speaks the hard truths and realities of our troubled times and quickly crumbling nation - it isn't pretty but it is right on target. Mike calls a spade a spade, he calls the Bush bunch what they are "The Bush Crime Family," or the BFEE - the Bush Family Evil Empire. Last night he was right on when he called out all of the whores in the media who have been on their knees for five years as mouthpieces to the BFEE. Rather than report on real and important stories we have missing White women 24-7. If anything good can come out of this disaster it is that hopefully we will get back some semblance of an objetive media in this country [minus the whores at FOX]. Mike called them hypocrites because NOW they are finally waking from their slumbers and FINALLY reporting some troubling facts and being critical of the BFEE. Karl Rove and his ilk have lost control of the strings and if there is any justice they will never get control again. Last nights Mike Malloy show should be required listening for all Americans, especially the brain-dead, phony patriot Sheepole, driving around with the flags waving and the magnetic ribbons. It's time for Americans to take real action, and make real sacrifices. The Bubble Boy pResident won't ask for the rich, or his cronies, or the big Oil Companies to make sacrifices, the word "sacrifice" isn't in his vocabulary. Name me one sacrifice this pathetic sorry excuse of a man has ever had to make in his life. Compassionate Conservatism my ass, it's more like Conservative Compassion. I for one am MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE - who’s with me?
Go here to the White Rose Society, scroll down the page to the link for the September 1st show and listen, it is your true patriotic duty. While you're at it go to your local video store and get a copy of Network.
I agree this broadcast should be required listening for all Americans. I have never heard a better example of irresponsible hysterical liberal "journalism" Implying that the 'Bush Crime Family' somehow had the levees breeched to get rid of blacks is criminal. I'm going to put a link of this broadcast on my site!
car, at 8:07 AM
Why don't you just go away and stop lurking on my site, you are so over the top looney that you are either crazy or just maybe your site is a parody? Please tell me your site is a parody?
kurtbill, at 8:25 AM
Maybe if you had a REAL argument, you could come up with something else beside spelling errors - wow. I write comments quickly. Why don't you go have a look at Car's so called website, he is a nutjob!
kurtbill, at 1:39 PM
Maybe if you had a REAL argument, you could come up with something else beside spelling errors - wow. I write comments quickly. Why don't you go have a look at Car's so called website, he is a nutjob!
kurtbill, at 1:39 PM
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