A Hurricane of Compassionate Conservatism and Wisdom from the Bubble Boy pResident
I believe the town where I used to come from Houston, Texas, to enjoy myself, occasionally too much, will be that very same town.
Brownie you’re doing a heck of a job.
Out of the rubble of Trent Lott’s house, he has lost his entire house, he’s going to have a fantastic house, and I’m looking forward to sitting on his front porch.
I don't think anyone could have anticipated the breech of the levies.
Never, Never, forget where the Bubble Boy president, the Vice-Presdient, the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of Defense where as the Gulf Area was devastated on Monday and Tuesday, and Wednesday on! The media is already forgetting don’t let the American people, in particular the Sheepole forget! What part of clueless and inept don't you morons understand?
Now it turns out that the Vice pResident was shopping for a $2.9 million mansion last week - wow - these people are so TRANSPARANT! No Shame - I guess that Cheney figured that he could finally spend some of that Halliburton money, since more will come rolling in.
People don't usually forget things that are important. So if the media is forgetting, I guess it is not important. Maybe they are starting to realize that 1) the president and his administration are never truly on vacation regardless of what it is called 2) The president and his administration have the technology to work wherever they are at. To cancel pre-made plans needlessly is simply symbolic, not substance.
By All_I_Can_Stands, at 10:24 AM
Oh right, if you want to place blame why not look at the lazy colored politics of mayor Ray Nagin o f New Orleans. Years of colored inefficiency have finally caught up with them. And a women filthy hippie governor--wake up liberalholes--what did you expect?
By car, at 7:26 PM
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