Wake Up Sheeple!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Kudos to Paul Hackett. Hackett loses 48-52 to a shrill Bush apologist. He didn't win but he sent a message to the Repubs about 2006, "Be very very scarred." Here is what Repub political strategist Charlie Cook said about the Ohio 2nd Congressional race prior to the election:
If Schmidt's victory margin is in double digits, this tells us that there is not much of an anti-GOP wind in Ohio right now. If the margin is say six to nine points for Schmidt, then there is a wind, but certainly no hurricane. A Schmidt win of less than five points should be a very serious warning sign for Ohio Republicans that something is very, very wrong, while a Hackett victory would be a devastating blow to the Ohio GOP.

Here are the past election results in that district:
OH-2 Past Election Results:
2004: 72% to 28%
2002: 74% to 26%
2000: 74% to 23%
1998: 76% to 24%
As I see it things are only going to get worse for the Bushies. Inditments should be coming down soon in the Rove treason affair. The death toll in Iraq just passed 1,800 with no end in sight. Fourteen Marines died today in Iraq in one incident, seven yesterday, but freedom is on the march. But, hey Bush thinks about Iraq everyday, he told us so. I wonder if he is thinking about Iraq today as he vacations for the entire month on his phony prop ranch? You can bet that the boy monkey step out of his air-conditioned comfort and clear some bush for ten minuets or so for the camera. And the brain-dead Sheepole will exclaim that "he is such a common man, one of us!" What should be in the back of his mind is the 2006 elections, if one of his advisors dare tells him, because he proudly tells us that he dosen't follow the news. I love the smell of impeachment!


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